不知道大家會不會有這樣的感覺... 其實任何事都一樣 總是繞了一大圈之後又回到了最初的自我
所以人更應該懂得知足 而不是無止盡的追求深不見底的慾望 有時候最簡單 最原始的 最初的或許才是最好...
有些人或許常常在抱怨自己不夠快樂 不夠幸福 不夠富有 但其實你跌到谷底的時候不滿足 飛到雲端還是會不滿足...
當然我的意思並是說這一大圈是白繞了 而是應該抱著美好的心情去追尋自己的可能性 而不是總是怨天尤人
就算會回到原點 也還是走了一遭 任何喜怒哀樂都是你的回憶...
跌了跤也好 遇到挫折失敗也好 回頭看看自己的原點 那最簡單的生活 其實並沒有那麼糟 對吧?
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This is the 1st time wearing formal wear having presentation inside my class which is FC40. For certain people, the 1st guy who give presentation is the "fresh fish", most terrible and most pity guy as he do not have any reference and preparation after the teacher came into class. Unfortunately, i am the "fresh Fish"=.= But basically, the 1st person have the most attention and respond from audience as people haven start to feel sleepy or boring yet... That why beside surprise, a wee bit of happiness appear when i know i m the 1st presenter.
As u all can see from the picture, that is me, Ryan, stripe darkblue shirt with White+blue tie(not really matched), dark pants, belt, and shoes Presenting my product which is ANLENE MILK. To let everyone have a try on this High Calcium milk, i had to prepare some sample to let Classmate+ Teacher to try and that is it, a few pack milk and Milo sampling cups(cant find others) xD. Cost me RM13.... $.$
But i think the RM13 should be worth as the presentation run quite well+ my friends said it a Great Presentation, those praise truly makes me giggles. haha! Its proved that my preparation+money are 100%worth although it is just a 10Marks Presentation. xD
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Finally the result of the presentation came out, Teacher gave a lot of feedback and commend but she seen like afraid we cannot afford those bad commend and feedback, telling us in very careful ways...
Anyway, as i mention in last post, i am the "fresh Fish" so I am the 1st person get feedback and commends, there are truly a lotsss...... but most is praises.... xD happy that everybody like my presentation and 8/10 is given. 8/10 is quite a high mark as my class only got 1leng lui get 9/10 which is Lum Yi Mann, her presentation really successful, chinese call this 甘拜下风~
Is trying hard to stifle down my happiness.... Haha!!~ 努力是没白费的...
Anyway, as i mention in last post, i am the "fresh Fish" so I am the 1st person get feedback and commends, there are truly a lotsss...... but most is praises.... xD happy that everybody like my presentation and 8/10 is given. 8/10 is quite a high mark as my class only got 1leng lui get 9/10 which is Lum Yi Mann, her presentation really successful, chinese call this 甘拜下风~
Is trying hard to stifle down my happiness.... Haha!!~ 努力是没白费的...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
This is the 1st time wearing formal wear having presentation inside my class which is FC40. For certain people, the 1st guy who give presentation is the "fresh fish", most terrible and most pity guy as he do not have any reference and preparation after the teacher came into class. Unfortunately, i am the "fresh Fish"=.= But basically, the 1st person have the most attention and respond from audience as people haven start to feel sleepy or boring yet... That why beside surprise, a wee bit of happiness appear when i know i m the 1st presenter.
As u all can see from the picture, that is me, Ryan, stripe darkblue shirt with White+blue tie(not really matched), dark pants, belt, and shoes Presenting my product which is ANLENE MILK. To let everyone have a try on this High Calcium milk, i had to prepare some sample to let Classmate+ Teacher to try and that is it, a few pack milk and Milo sampling cups(cant find others) xD. Cost me RM13.... $.$
But i think the RM13 should be worth as the presentation run quite well+ my friends said it a Great Presentation, those praise truly makes me giggles. haha! Its proved that my preparation+money are 100%worth although it is just a 10Marks Presentation. xD
Saturday, October 17, 2009
刚刚吃了晚饭就突然想吃蛋糕就直接去Secret Receipt 买了我最喜欢的Chocolate蛋糕. 开始几口还瞒好吃的,但!吃吃下味道这么没以前那么好了?我没选错蛋糕啊!是他们的技术不好还是我不再那么喜欢chocolate了?我是不是对以前喜欢吃的食物有所改变了?那么容易就变了?亲情,友情,爱情是否也那么容易变?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
嗨!来了这酱久,睡觉/吃饭/读书/电脑的时间都没弄好, 差不多全部颠倒了!半夜有事找我都没问题,反正都还没睡啊! 但这几天很有决心把通通都改好, 真的很有决心. 电脑少动, 书看多几眼, 但就是睡觉那边搞不好~ 连续几个晚上在床上翻来覆去都没用,就是在两三点才会自动睡觉, 搞到睡觉都觉得烦啊!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Don't Complain, Just work harder
Too many people go through life complaining about their problems. If you took one-tenth the energy you put into complaning and applied it to solve the problem, you will be surprised by how well things can work out... Complaining does not work as a strategy, we all doesn't have infinite time and energy, Any time we spend whining is unlikely to help us achieve our golds. IT won't make us happier.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Self-Discipline? 比个例子=你告诉自己:"明天早上4点我要起来读书"但当闹钟响时你在很累很累非常累的情况下你能够Discipline自己起来吗? 还是赖床?
还记得那时是SALOMA在camp pengawas告诉我们的....
发现到自己真的是很蠢.... 某些事就是控制不到自己.明知那颗苹果是有毒的还死死放进嘴里~没错,味道是甜的但只是那一瞬间而已,过后就恶果自付了~
还记得那时是SALOMA在camp pengawas告诉我们的....
发现到自己真的是很蠢.... 某些事就是控制不到自己.明知那颗苹果是有毒的还死死放进嘴里~没错,味道是甜的但只是那一瞬间而已,过后就恶果自付了~
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another version of good luck chuck9 years ago
情人节?孤单?11 years ago
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年少无知12 years ago
一切会更好12 years ago
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother12 years ago
20?特别"感叹"的一年?13 years ago
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