Thursday, June 17, 2010


我猜今晚是我第一次那么生气+发脾气的 生气一位好朋友...

一个人在电脑店站着看别人玩, 站了差不多50分钟, 人家玩完了, 都抽了一轮烟, 还给钱回家了! 可我就傻傻的还在哪等, 等了酱久. 在不耐烦的时後我竟然收到SMS, 讲他会在家里online跟我玩, 丢我一个人在那. 你们可以想象到我的脸色变成怎样吧? 当时我头上好象写着"JACKASS" 两个字, 傻佬被人放飞机酱. 彻底的失望, 生气的拿出钥匙开车就回家.

后来他才说是开玩笑的,刚刚忙完赶着去. 我想说, 之前都说了你忙完才CALL 我, 我赶过去不就更好吗? 可是你坚持要我现在去,我快到了( "u now go 1st cannot meh?" ). 就是这一份坚持弄得我感到自己变成了傻佬,白白的浪费时间等一个不该等的人.

就算后来你驾车来到我家门口, 找我出去, 我都没哪个心情出了. 讲声对不起认错都没有, 看电视和睡觉跟好.


Karen said...


ryan said...


MC Yen said...

i'd feel the same, i easily got turned off by ppl who aren't on time. cause i'm a person who always on time, sometimes earlier. so i can understand how you felt. however, i appeared to act normal and "never mind" when a person's late on meeting. next time, i'd have to remind that person, something like a second-chance maybe, before i explode!!

Ryan said...

ya, perhaps i should apologize for what i had done. Truly cant control my emotion and exploded.