Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I changed

That incident started when I waited the lift at Kuhara Court. Two "Ah MO"( white person) came in and waited with me.

Here were our conversations that I still remember:

MO: Are you resident here?
LIM: ork.... 2nd floor. -I shocked because I doesn't expected that he will start a conversation with me. SO I gave a wrong respond and answer to him.
MO: Kamu tinggal sini? He asked again with Bahasa Melayu perhaps he thought that I could not understand his language.

At that particular moment, I got 2 choices. Melayu or English.

He has change the conversation into BM and I can do better in BM compare to ENG but I choose English without any hesitation. Is this what I have changed after studying in West Malaysia? Dare to speak out even though still quite poor and broken in English? YES i guess...

LIM: Ya ya, 2nd floor. Nice to meet you and you are? I answered again with English.
MO: xxxx xxxx xxxx. -Could not remember his name.
LIM: I'm Ryan.
-The conversation continued but not important.



Chiawli~~ said...

lol...fei dao.. can you be like this ma.. i always thought that your english is better than bm de wo.. buahahah