Thursday, April 15, 2010


Thanks to my ex-housemate, dao gua and chun Jiun who never look down or underestimate me, always ajak me to join them in basketball, resulting me to fall in love with this exercise.

This exercise is not simple like throwing something small like ping pong ball or rolled papers into dustbin. It is basketball!!! The size of the ball would be the same as our human's head (Average) and you will need to carry it, pass it and shoot it into a ring. OK! I know it sound easy, even primary school baby can do it but not to forget that there will be BARRIERs / ENEMYs who will mess up every plan and strategy that is in your mind. 吃位,篮板,跑位,犯规,假动作,射击,等等+++ 少了一样都不行啊!!! It is not like they will stand there and let you do anything that you want. (除非人家放水啦) =.=

Yes!~ I am a tall guy with Height 187cm that knows wee bit about basketball, however, with no skills and experiences. Initially i hate to stand on basketball court and play, it is not like i m not enjoying the game but people will blame you when u make mistakes ( 就是我啦)cause you make the whole group lose games. Throw all sorts of words that will make me feel sorry to them. Even HAIZ, AIYO, ZHOK do affect me~ 带有fuck off 的意识!~These blew my top but feelings must be hidden to avoid people went out of me. ( They were)

Experiences change everything and i strongly believe that i am improving, a lot more to go but at least the title newbie/noob are no more with me. 遇强则强! 我讨厌被看不起的感觉,无助+无能的感觉。人长得酱高却没用的感觉!!!@#¥%……&!!!


laRry said...


ryan said...


Joe said...

sama mcm futsal...>.<
not as good as them, but who cares... just join XD